Volunteer Info
Note that this page is under revision. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions
The Faustina Hockey Club is operated and organized by the members of the Faustina Sports Club. The Sports Club was founded in 1935 and is a 100% volunteer run organization. Faustina is comprised of volunteers, club members and the club executive.
We have a robust volunteer base that assists with various tasks such as time keeping, assistant coaching, and helping at practices or with fundraising.
Volunteers who interact with kids are required by the governing bodies of Hockey (Hockey Canada, OHF, GTHL) to complete various courses. These are listed below.
If you are interested in volunteering next season, please contact us at [email protected]
Requirements for volunteers
- Team Safety reps must complete the Hockey Canada: Planning a Safe Return to Hockey course. Click here to register
- Team safety reps will be registered as volunteers with Hockey Canada but are exempt from the broader ‘requirements for all volunteers” below as they do not directly interact with players
1. Police Vulnerable Sector Check
- Forms are available in the club office for Toronto residents. If not a Toronto resident you need to go directly to the municipal/regional Police department where you reside.
- Faustina has an agency of record agreement with the Toronto Police. Toronto residents can drop the completed form off in the club room, along with $20 (this fee is the Toronto Police processing fee). Once your check has been completed it will be mailed to your residence.
- Once you have received your police check a copy needs to be provided in the club office
- This is renewed every 3 years with an annual declaration that nothing has changed each year
2. Respect In Sport For Activity Leaders
- Online Course, $30 Fee payable to The Respect In Sport Organization (Approx 1 hour)
3. Gender Identity Course
- Online Course. No fee. (Takes approx 2 hours)
- Log into your Hockey Canada account (or create one)
- Then go to this page to sign up for the course after you are logged int your account Note – there is a shopping cart process to add the course but there is no fee
- Then Log into the OHF portal with your same Hockey Canada login to take the course
4. Coach certifications:
Please see the green highlights in the GTHL Coaching requirements chart below.
Link to register for coach certification courses.
The main things to note are:
Coach Level 1 (online course)
- Required for head coaches in U7 – U9
- Course is online.
Coach Level 2 (online + in person)
- Required for U10 and above
All Staff are required to complete other items as outlines in #1-3 above.